Civil Union Participants Project
    Longitudinal Enhanced Study
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ABC News:
When gender goes, happiness blooms in marriage...

The Atlantic:
The gay guide to wedded bliss...

Wall Street Journal:
For gays, breaking up is hard to do–or measure...

New York Times:
Gay marriage: Same, but different...

New York Times:

For insights into healthy marriages, social scientists are looking in an unexpected place...

San Francisco Chronicle:

Gay couples can be as stable as straights...

New York Times:
When mom and dad share it all...

USA Today:
Vermont's civil unions mostly affairs of the heart...

Boston Globe:
Data show same-sex unions in Vermont draw a privileged group...

Psychology Today:
Household bliss for same-sex couples...

Girlfriends Magazine:
Civil Behavior...

Bay Area Reporter:
Legal status good for relationships...

USA Today:
More parents share the workload when mom learns to let go...

The Advocate:
Legal status helps relationships lest longer...

San Diego Union Tribune:
Gay newlyweds assess new lives after exchanging vows...

Via AP